Extra action form¶

Action Form¶
Admin Actions in daily usage often require one or more arguments. This extension provides an easy way to display a form to fill in what needs to be passed to the actions. Namely:
Create a form that holds all the fields needed for any action and set
on your JumboModelAdmin pointing to that form.Attenzione
Set any additional field as
required = False
otherwise all actions that don’t define that will not let the form validate and you’ll get a ConfigurationErrorFields defined in this action may be used in different actions. A field required in one action may not be needed in another. See below how to obtain this
Configure which fields are needed for any action in
dict. See example belowModify
template to addtemplatetag to render
(inluded in{jmb.jadmin}result_list
)javascript to toggle visibility of the fields
this step is already done in jmb.jadmin provided template
When ModelAdmin has actions enabled, Django creates a form and places it
as attribute action_form
, thought is not officially documented.
This action will hold
the selected action
the selected ids or
boolean to say all records where selected.
Entending and modifying that form we make available any fields defined in it. The selected row will be available as a queryset, as usual.
You can use JumboModelAdmin.get_action_form_instance()
get an already validated form instance
This is used to specify a different form to add extra action fields.
To use this you need override class JumboActionForm. It’s a good idea
define these forms in admin_forms.py
or in admin/forms.py
from jmb.jadmin import JumboActionForm
class NewsletterActionForm(JumboActionForm):
customization = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, required=False)
mailing_list = forms.ModelChoiceField(
label=_('Mailing list'),
required=False, # IMPORTANT
# This is automatically added if not specified. Used from JS to toggle extra action fields
widget=forms.Select(attrs={'id': 'mailing_list', 'class': 'extra_action_field'})
fields_map = {
'export_action': ['output_type'],
'clone': [], ## not needed for actions that do not require a field
'send_newsletter': ['mailing_list', 'customization'],
'resend_newsletter': ['mailing_list:required'],
While your ModelAdmin can be sort of:
from jmb.jadmin import JumboModelAdmin
from .admin_form import NewsletterActionForm
class NewsletterAdmin(JumboModelAdmin):
def send_newsletter(self, request, queryset):
form = self.get_action_form_instance(request)
if form.cleaned_data['field_name']:
action_form = NewsletterActionForm
A dictionary to specify action and its extra fields to complete operation. As in the example above you can have:
fields_map = {
'clone': [],
'export_action': ['output_type'],
'resend_newsletter': ['mailing_list:required', 'start_time'],
no extra fields
optional fields:
have a default and are not requiredrequired fields. Example:
. When user selectsend newsletter
action is required to specifymailing_list
to whom to send newsletter.
Nuovo nella versione 0.9: This field was previously named action_form_fields
and was set on ModelAdmin
Default Action Export¶
If you use export action to export data as it is currently the deafult
in jmb.jadmin
, we use a fields_map
as follows:
fields_map = {
'export_action': ['output_type'],
that you must retain if you want to use that action.
It’s a handy function that creates the form in the same way django creates it, and returns a validated form.
Display optional fields in popup¶
It’s possible to have fields to show in a modal. This is particularly usefull when the fields to be compiled are a lot.
You need to setup the template change_list.html
to host the form and the needed
javascript. follows a possible implementation that is working
correctly. Be sure to understand it and change according to your needs:
{% extends "jadmin:admin/change_list.html" %}
{% load result_list admin_static admin_list i18n admin_urls %}
{% block extrahead %}
{{ block.super }}
$(document).ready(function ($) {
var value = $('select[name=action]').val();
if (value == 'send_newsletter') {
$('#customization').css('width', '500px'); // a text field named customization
$('#actionModal').on('hide.bs.modal', function (e) {
$('select[name=action]').val('').prop('selected', true).change();
{% endblock %}
{% block result_list %}
{{ block.super }}
<div class="modal hide" id="actionModal">
<div class="modal-header">
<button class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button>
<h3>My super modal action</h3>
<div class="modal-body"></div>
{% endblock %}
(*args, **kwargs)[sorgente]¶ The default ActionForm with some logic to implement required fields according to selected action.
()[sorgente]¶ Check that no field is
other thanaction
. That would make the validation fail. If you need a required field for an action add:required
in the declaration infields_map
as documented above
()[sorgente]¶ Check that any required field is defined
= {}¶ mapping between action name and fields needed for the action
(action=None)[sorgente]¶ Return a list of field_names for action
attribute- Parametri
action – action for which field_names are required. If action is None it looks for selected action in
. If no action is selected it returns an empty list
(action=None)[sorgente]¶ Return a list of required field_names for action
attribute- Parametri
action – action for which field_names are required. If action is None it looks for selected action in
. If no action is selected it returns an empty list