Once you instantiate an object of type List, Group, Recipient, etc.. you can use the following methods provided by the relative class. All components have some common behaviors:
id: property to get/set id of component save: method to save component changes on MailUp (see below for detail) client: MailUpClient instance used to call MailUp API logger: logger data_dict: internal dictionary related to received json mailup_pattern_fields: dictionary where the keys are which fields of json must be configured as component attributes and values the names that you want give to them required_fields: list of required items in data_dict get_list method: method that return List in which is located the component, if component is a List return himself
() Save the List on MailUp platform. If the object as no id then a new object is created on MailUp.
Returns: List Instance
Return type: List or Group or Recipient or Message or Tag based on caller instance.
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
()¶ Retrieve all groups in list
Returns: list of Group instance
Return type: list
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(status=None)¶ Retrieve all recipients in list. If status is None all recipients are returned regardless of the status
Parameters: status (str) – status is a string in ‘subscribed’ ‘unsubscribed’ or ‘pending’, None for consider all
Returns: list of Recipient instance
Return type: list
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
()¶ Retrieve all recipients in subscribed status in list
Returns: list of Recipient instance
Return type: list
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
()¶ Retrieve all recipients in unsubscribed status in list
Returns: list of Recipient instance
Return type: list
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
()¶ Retrieve all recipients in pending status in List
Returns: list of Recipient instance
Return type: list
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipients, confirm_email=False, wait_import=False)¶ Subscribe all recipient in recipients in List
Parameters: - recipients (list) – list of Recipient instance
- confirm_email (bool) – refer to MailUp documentation
- wait_import (bool) – method ends only when import is complete
Returns: import_id
Return type: int
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipients, confirm_email=False, wait_import=False)¶ Subscribe all recipient in recipients in list, are subscribe both pending the unsubscribed
Parameters: - recipients (list) – list of Recipient instance
- confirm_email (bool) –
refer to MailUp documentation
- wait_import (bool) – method ends only when import is complete
Returns: import_id
Return type: int
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipients, wait_import=False)¶ Unsubscribe all recipient in recipients from List
Parameters: - recipients (list) – list of Recipient instance
- wait_import (bool) – method ends only when import is complete
Returns: import_id
Return type: int
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(import_id, send_date=None)¶ A confirmation email is sent at all recipient subscribed in import_id import.
Parameters: - import_id (int) – id of import (see unsubscribe_recipients_list)
- send_date (datetime) – datetime to send message, None to send instantly.
Returns: sending info and statistic
Return type: dict
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(import_id)¶ Retrieve status of import import_id. If import_id is not valid None is returned from MailUp and then from this methods.
Parameters: import_id (int) – id of import to retrieve status
Returns: import statistics
Return type: dict
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
() Save the Group on MailUp platform. If the object as no id then a new object is created on MailUp.
Returns: Group Instance
Return type: List or Group or Recipient or Message or Tag based on caller instance.
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
() Delete instantly the group on MailUp
Returns: None
Return type: None
Raises: - GroupNotFoundException – group (searched by id) not found
- ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
() Retrieve all recipients in subscribed status in group
Returns: list of Recipient instance
Return type: list
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipient_id)¶ Insert recipient with id = recipient_id in group
Parameters: recipient_id (int) – id of recipient to insert
Returns: None
Return type: None
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipient_id)¶ Extract recipient with id = recipient_id from group
Parameters: recipient_id (int) – id of recipient to extract
Returns: None
Return type: None
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipients, confirm_email=False, wait_import=False) Subscribe all recipient in recipients in group
Parameters: - recipients (list) – list of Recipient instance
- confirm_email (bool) –
refer to MailUp documentation
- wait_import (bool) – method ends only when import is complete
Returns: import_id
Return type: int
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipients, confirm_email=False, wait_import=False) Subscribe all recipient in recipients in group, are subscribe both pending the unsubscribed
Parameters: - recipients (list) – list of Recipient instance
- confirm_email (bool) –
refer to MailUp documentation
- wait_import (bool) – method ends only when import is complete
Returns: import_id
Return type: int
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipients, wait_import=False) Unsubscribe all recipient in recipients from group
Parameters: - recipients (list) – list of Recipient instance
- wait_import (bool) – method ends only when import is complete
Returns: import_id
Return type: int
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(import_id, send_date=None) A confirmation email is sent at all recipient subscribed in import_id import.
Parameters: - import_id (int) – id of import (see unsubscribe_recipients_list)
- send_date (datetime) – datetime to send message, None to send instantly.
Returns: sending info and statistic
Return type: dict
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
() Save the Recipient on MailUp platform. If the object as no id then a new object is created on MailUp.
Returns: Recipient Instance
Return type: List or Group or Recipient or Message or Tag based on caller instance.
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(list_id, confirm_email=False)¶ Add a recipient in list
Parameters: - list_id (int) – id of the list in which to insert the recipient
- confirm_email (bool) –
refer to MailUp documentation
Returns: Recipient instance
Return type: Recipient
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(list_id)¶ Subscribe a recipient in list
Parameters: list_id (int) – id of the list in which to subscribe the recipient
Returns: Recipient instance
Return type: Recipient
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(list_id)¶ Unsubscribe a recipient in list
Parameters: list_id (int) – id of the list in which to unsubscribe the recipient
Returns: Recipient instance
Return type: Recipient
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(group_id, confirm_email=False)¶ Add a recipient in a group
Parameters: - group_id (int) – id of the group in which to unsubscribe the recipient
- confirm_email (bool) –
refer to MailUp documentation
Returns: Recipient instance
Return type: Recipient
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(field_name, field_value)¶ Set a recipient field, save() method is necessary to align MailUp platform
Parameters: - field_name (str) – name of field to set
- field_value (str) – value to be assigned to the field
Returns: None
Return type: None
(field_name)¶ Get the value of field_name
Parameters: field_name (str) – name of field to get Returns: value of field Return type: str
() Save the Message on MailUp platform. If the object as no id then a new object is created on MailUp.
Returns: Message Instance
Return type: List or Group or Recipient or Message or Tag based on caller instance.
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(list_id)¶ Send message to list
Parameters: list_id (int) – id of the list to which to send the message
Returns: sending info and statistic
Return type: dict
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(group_id)¶ Send message to group
Parameters: group_id (int) – id of the group to which to send the message
Returns: sending info and statistic
Return type: dict
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(recipient_id)¶ Send message to recipient
Parameters: group_id (int) – id of the recipient to which to send the message
Returns: sending info and statistic
Return type: dict
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
(field_name, field_value) Set a recipient field, save() method is necessary to align MailUp platform
Parameters: - field_name (str) – name of field to set
- field_value (str) – value to be assigned to the field
Returns: None
Return type: None
(field_name) Get the value of field_name
Parameters: field_name (str) – name of field to get Returns: value of field Return type: str
() Save the Tag on MailUp platform. If the object as no id then a new object is created on MailUp.
Returns: Tag Instance
Return type: List or Group or Recipient or Message or Tag based on caller instance.
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API
() Save the Attachment on MailUp platform. If the object as no id then a new object is created on MailUp.
Returns: Attachment Instance
Return type: List or Group or Recipient or Message or Tag based on caller instance.
Raises: - ClientNotEnabledException – provider as not a client configured
- MailUpCallError – Error calling the API