History(id, date_create, date_last_modify, mail_id, delivery_status, delivery_update)
Classe degli invii fatti o pianificati
Send this invoice according to what has already been saved
Parameters: | xol_client – a xol client, a new one is created if missing |
return a dict mapping IdRicevuta (recipient service id) to NumeroRaccomandata
update delivery status for rol recipients
Parameters: | xol_client – a xol client, a new one is created if missing |
update the dict mapping recipient ids
Parameters: |
RecipientAddress(id, date_create, date_last_modify, status, ordering, creator_id, last_modifier_id, address_type, name, number, crossed, scale, floor, zip_code, locality, province, country_id, post_office, first_name, last_name, company_name, mail_id, guid, delivery_status, recipient_id, receipt_id, ref_number)
ReturnAddress(id, date_create, date_last_modify, status, ordering, creator_id, last_modifier_id, address_type, name, number, crossed, scale, floor, zip_code, locality, province, country_id, post_office, first_name, last_name, company_name, mail_id)
SenderAddress(id, date_create, date_last_modify, status, ordering, creator_id, last_modifier_id, address_type, name, number, crossed, scale, floor, zip_code, locality, province, country_id, post_office, first_name, last_name, company_name, mail_id)