
attachment via email

Si possono allegare immagini inviando email. Immginiamo di volere usare il dominio ticket.local, con postfix occorre configurare

mydestination = bluff localhost.localdomain ticket.locals transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport


ticket unix - n n - - pipe
flags=FR user=mail:mail argv=sudo -u www-data /path_to/bin/django ticket_attachment -t ${user}

inoltre occorre impostare sudoers:

mail   ALL= (www-data) NOPASSWD: /path_to/bin/django

e impostare il transport in /etc/postfix/tranport:

ticket.local   ticket:

seguito da:

postmap /etc/postfix/tranport
service postfix reload


The user that is supposed to work with tickets need to have some permissions tha we generally grant via group ticket_user whose permissions may be as follows:

Can change Project
Can add plan ticket
Can list all ticket plans
Can list own ticket plans
Can list ticket plans
Can change plan ticket
Can add Ticket
Can reopen tickets
Can view tickets
Can change Ticket
Can add ticket attachment
Can change ticket attachment
Can view ticket projects
Can change Project
jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_CALENDAR_VIEW = 'agendaDay'

Cambia la view di default mese - settimana - giorno month - agendaWeek - agendaDay

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_HIDDEN_DAYS = [0]

Giorni nascosti dal calendario (Sunday=0)

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_ICS_DEFAULT_SENDER = ''

Email di default che invia l invitation, se il contatto non ha mail

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_PATH_ATTACHMENT = 'tickets/%Y/%m/%W/'

Percorso della cartella di upload degli allegati

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_PLAN_INVITATION_REVERSE_NAME = 'admin:ticket_plan_invitation'

url della INVITATION

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_PLAN_PRINT_REVERSE_NAME = 'admin:ticket_plan_pdf'

url della stampa plan

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_SEND_EMAIL = True

booleano se inviare o no le email

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_SHOW_SUBJECT_INFO_PROJECT = True

booleano se mostare le info del progetto

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_SINGLE_PLAN = True

Cambia la visibilità di default dei ticket nella ticket board nella vista a calendario. Se True alla creazione di un plan il to_be_planned viene messo a False ed il ticket viene visto nella ticket board solo se viene spuntata la casella mostra ticket pianificati.

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[Thunder Ticket]'

prefisso delle email

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_TICKET_PROGRESS_STATUS_CODES = ((1, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5690>), (2, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd56d0>), (3, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5710>), (4, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5750>), (5, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5790>), (6, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd57d0>), (7, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5810>), (8, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5850>))

Questi stati possono essere configurati

jmb.ticket.settings.TICKET_TICKET_STATUS_CODES = ((0, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5610>), (1, <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x2aac8cfd5650>))

Quesro stato non deve essere cambiato

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