Changelog ========== rel 1.0.8 May, 10 2017 ---------------------- - Py3 dep of appypod - fix appy utils for py3 rel 1.0.5 Mar, 17 2017 - added utils/debug to pretty pring sql code of a query rel 1.0.4 Jan, 13 2017 ---------------------- - fix in deps on appy rel 1.0.3 Oct, 13 2016 ---------------------- - version working with Py3 rel 0.9.1 Sept, 9 2016 ---------------------- - base_site.html: now passed to jmb.jadmin - fix: improper import from html package not present rel 0.9.0 ---------- - porting to django 1.10. Management command brake compatibility with django before < 1.8 (optparse has been substutited by argparse) rel 0.8.7 --------- - fix ModelObjectCopier - cleanup of css and js already migrated to jmb.jadmin rel 0.8.6 --------- - added jmbcollect - Storage: added - porting: fix to work with autocomplete > 2.3 - < 3.0) rel 0.8.5 --------- - now DynamicAutocomplete is more friendly while porting throught 1.4-2.0+ - fixed import in from utils - cleanup unused css - no more dependencies from tinymce rel 0.8.3 ---------- Eliminata dipendenza da dajax rel 0.8 ------- * Many features have been moved to jmb.jadmin (that is now a dependancy) + ajax_inlines + admin_tabs + ActionForm + ExportData * Added :ref:`app-config` to handle + monkey patching + deprecation warning control rel 0.7.8 --------- NOTE: this version is the last before w/ ajax_inlines and admin_tabs * portability: improved handling of deprecations * deps: wgeaker requirements on vesions to easy transitions * export: work around to bypass limit of rows in xlwt (using sheets) added export_data command added xlsx option (no limit on rows) * clone: fix unique fields re 0.7.8 -------- * Added JmbCoreConfig that handles: - monkey patching - WARNING_RULES * Ajax_inlies moved to jmb.jadmin rel 0.7.7 --------- * just depends fix to prevent eggs to prevail over src rel 0.7.6 ---------- * deps: jmb.filters instead of django_filters rel 0.7.5 ---------- * export da admin: improved to cope with short_description, get_list_display() * ajax_inlines: + minor fixes + no longer autoadding of icons (clashes when popup is used directly in changelist) + porting to 1.8 * admin_tabs: added render_presaved to allow for a customization of message in case parent is not saved and ajax_inlines cannot be used yet * views: added a view that returns a json view (used when adding a child from changelist and refreshing main row) * list_per_page: added handling of list_per_page parameter * Actions: added JumboActionForm to use additional fields in ActionForm rel 0.7.4 --------- * ajax-inlines: minor fix: now works with LaxyProxy object too (as fieldset) * docs: more info for Mac OS * paginator in admin (select result per page) rel 0.7.3 ---------- * docs: added theme thunder * deps: dropped dep on django-admin-tool-sd2 (provided css ans js) if needed should be imposed on a project base * porting 1.6+: utils.token * admin: add ModelAdmin.message_user * fix css admin logon * templates: base.html renamed base-cms.html. Added base.html * porting 1.7 rel 0.7.2 --------- * ExtendibleModelAdmin: added get_changelist_queryset * AjaxInlines: improved data table paginator * AppyPod: added utility to print with :ref:`AppyPod ` * template: fix in head_meta position (IE8 correctly complaines) * models: using pk instead of id for cases when primary_key is not an id * models: added :ref:`db.get_mixin ` * autocomplete: added + in fk * :ref:`action-forms` * Added command :ref:`reset-password` to be used in scripts (``jmb-sync``) rel 0.7.1 --------- * minor fixes: monkey.patch, icons, * autocomplete: now looks as a tag widget rel 0.7 -------- * Admin tabs: now tabular/stacked inlines can be used rather then their models * checkbox: label on left side * change_list: modified to pass over _popup (used in nested iframe) * added MboxEmailBackend * requires django-filters-sd_0.7a1-sd6 that adds "search in selection" rel 0.6.2 ---------- * fix date-time picker * porting to 1.6 * detail icon: now fixed width (partial) rel 0.6.1 ------------ * fix: ajax_inlines/monkey patch/porting * export: works also for functions rel 0.6 ------- * aggiunte le :ref:`admin-tabs` * aggiunte le :ref:`ajax-inline` * aggiunta monkey-patch per runserver :ref:`monkey-errors` per trovare facilmente quali campi creano errori * riordinata la libreria :ref:`jmb.core.js ` e standardizzato il modo di aprire finestre in iframe * aggiunt plugin jQuery ``dataTable`` per riordinare tabelle. Questa versione ha una piccol modifica perché l'originaria non si comportava bene con molte tabelle nella pagina. * aggiunta classe :ref:`EmailMessageCalendar ` per invio semplicifato di appuntamenti ``vcalendar`` * aggiunta :ref:`autocompletion dinamica ` * ora dipende da admin_tools_0.5.1-sd2 che corregge i css ed aggiunge un ritardo via javascript nella scomparsa dei menu In concomitanza con questa release jmb-start: * impone admin_tools-sd2 che fixa il menu che usa funzioni coerenti con jQuery 1.9.1 * aggiunge il plugin ``jquery-migrate`` richiesto all'interno di ``bootstrap_generic.html`` per compatibilità dei plugin fatti per jQuery < 1.9. riguarda principalmente alcune funzioni del cms. rel 0.5 ------- * non richiede più una versione specifica di django in quanto fa :ref:`monkey patching ` * aggiunge il layout a :ref:`tabs ` nell'admin * supporta Django 1.5 e Django 1.6 ma: + stiamo ancora usando cms 2.3 che supporta solo Django 1.4 + django-toolbar support Django-1.6 solo dalla rel 1.0.1 che però confligge con dajaxie (quando si lancia ``dj collectstatic``). Il modo più semplice di provare Django 1.5 ed 1.6 è di usare l'ultima versione di jmb-start rispettivamente così:: jmb-start -t p15 -a prj.django.test jmb-start -t p16 -a prj.django.test Nuove dipendenze: django-dajax => django-dajax-ng, djangoice-dajax => django-dajaxice-ng