Source code for jmb.core.utils.autocomplete

# coding: utf-8



Autocompletion is obtained throught autocomplete_light_ package.

.. _dynamic-autocompletion:

Dynamic Autocompletion

We attach to the change of the selection of the main autocomplete
to add data to the dependent autocomplete so that it will be used
when issuing the request to the server.

We also take care of cleaning up stale data of the previous select from
the choices box and make sure this cascade correctly in case of
several autocompletes channed toghether.

This module provides :class:`DynamicAutocompleteModelBase` a class that
inherits from ``autocomplete_light.AutocompleteModelBase``.

You can define a dictionary called ``filters`` whose keys are queryset filter
keywords and whose values are dom id. The js widget will retrieve the values
of the ids and send them along with the string used in the autocompletion
Foreign Key Examples::

    from jmb.core.utils.autocomplete import DynamicAutocompleteModelBase

    class MyAutocomplete(DynamicAutocompleteModelBase):
        dependency_map = {
             'organization_id' : '#id_organization',
             'project_id'  : '#id_project',

M2M examples::

    from jmb.core.utils.autocomplete import DynamicAutocompleteModelBase

    class MyAutocomplete(DynamicAutocompleteModelBase):
        dependency_map = {
             'organizations' : '#id_organization',
             'projects'  : '#id_project',

In TabularInline case, StackedInline and similar, you can't set the id of field, but use this syntax::

    dependency_map = {
         'corporate_id' : '#id_car_details-x-corporate',
         'brand_id' : '#id_car_details-x-brand',
         'model_id' : '#id_car_details-x-model'

In this situation the widget will call the url::


that will be handled automatically by ``choices_for_request``

To have the complete list of all choice set minimum_characters to 0 in autocomplete_js_attributes
dictionary, example::

    class CustomerContactAutocomplete(ContactAutocomplete):
        model = Contact
        dependency_map = {
            'organization_id' : '#id_organization',
        autocomplete_js_attributes = {
            'minimum_characters': 0,

To add an object in autocomplete with plus button on the right, add
``add_another_url_name`` value in autocomplete registry, example::

    autocomplete_light.register(RouteAutocomplete, add_another_url_name='admin:event_route_add')

The object saved, will be selected automatically in the select
At the moment this feature only works with single model choice field.

.. autoclass:: DynamicAutocompleteModelBase
   :members: choices_for_request, get_filters

.. _autocomplete_light:

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json
    from autocomplete_light.autocomplete import shortcuts as al
except ImportError:
    import autocomplete_light as al
import autocomplete_light

[docs]class DynamicAutocompleteModelBase(al.AutocompleteModelBase): #: a dict. *Keys* must be keywords to filter a queryset, e.g.: organization_id, #: organization__address__country_id, and the *values* must be id in the html page #: whose value will be retrieved by javascript and sent along (e.g.: #organization_id) dependency_map = { # 'organization_id' : '#id_organization', } def __init__(self, *args, **kw): # backward compatibility if hasattr(self, 'filters'): self.dependency_map.update(getattr(self, 'filters', {})) json_data = json.dumps(self.dependency_map) if getattr(autocomplete_light, '__version__', (1,)) < (2, 0): self.autocomplete_js_attributes['data-autocomplete-dependency-map'] = json_data else: if not hasattr(self, 'attrs'): self.attrs = {} self.attrs['data-autocomplete-dependency-map'] = json_data super(DynamicAutocompleteModelBase, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
[docs] def choices_for_request(self): """ Return all choices taking into account all dynamic filters you may need to customize this """ self.choices = self.model.objects.all() filters = self.get_filters() self.choices = self.choices.filter(**filters) return super(DynamicAutocompleteModelBase, self).choices_for_request()
[docs] def get_filters(self): """ Return a dictionary suitable to filter self.choices using self.filters """ filters = {} for key in self.dependency_map: value = self.request.GET.get(key, '') if value: filters[key] = value return filters