Source code for jmb.core.utils.appypod

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. _appypod:

OpenOffice Utils via ``appy.pod``

.. note:: Nuovo

   Questo modulo rimpiazza :ref:`ooutils`

Il modulo utilizza la libreria appy.pod_ per generare documenti a partire da
un template in formato ``.odt``.

Esempio d'uso::

    from django.http import HttpResponse

    from jmb.core.utils.appypod import AppyPodTemplate

    def example_view_pdf(request):
        context = dict(first_name="<name>", last_name="<last_name>")
        appy_pod_template = AppyPodTemplate('admin/fax/cover.odt', context)
        return HttpResponse(appy_pod_template.render(), content_type="application/pdf")

    def example_view_odt(request):
        context = dict(first_name="<name>", last_name="<last_name>")
        appy_pod_template = AppyPodTemplate('admin/fax.cover.odt', context)
        return HttpResponse(appy_pod_template.render(file_type="odt"),


jmb.core also provides :ref:`Class Based Views <class-based-odt>`


A conversion utility is provided that uses OpenOffice/LibreOffice to
convert among possible formats. Tipical usage allows to convert bunch
of documents toghether, passing both patterns of directory to
transverse and patterns::

   from jmb.core.utils import appypod

   appypod.convert(name_pattern='/tmp/report.odt', result_type='doc')
   appypod.convert(tree='/home/data/fax', name_pattern="*doc")


:JMB_OOO_SERVER_POR: port at which OpenOffice/LibreOffice is listening. Default: 8100

:JMB_OOO_UNO_PYTHON_PATH: Alternative python interpreter that has 'uno' python module


.. autoclass:: AppyPodTemplate

.. autofunction:: convert

.. _appy.pod:

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import glob
import fnmatch
import logging
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import appy.pod
from appy.pod.converter import Converter, ConverterError
from appy.shared.utils import executeCommand
from django.utils import six
from django.conf import settings
from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist
from jmb.core.utils.functions import get_template_abspath
from appy.pod.renderer import Renderer

logger = logging.getLogger('jmb.core')

# inject_app_defaults does not work here.
PY_PATH = getattr(settings, 'JMB_OOO_UNO_PYTHON_PATH', None)
OOO_PORT = getattr(settings, 'JMB_OOO_SERVER_PORT', 8100)

[docs]class AppyPodTemplate(): """ Interface to get handle templates in .odt, .ods """ def __init__(self, template=None, context=None): """ Object init function. :param template: (string) template file to render. Std django search is performed :param context: context to be used on template rendering """ self.set_template(template) self.context = context
[docs] def set_template(self, template_names): """ Set template. The first existing template according to standard django search is used. :arg template: (string or list) template file to render. """ if not template_names: return if isinstance(template_names, six.string_types): template_names = [template_names] for templ in template_names: template = None if not os.path.isabs(templ): try: template = get_template_abspath(templ) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass else: if os.path.exists(templ): template = templ if template: self.template = template return template msg = ("Template %s was not found" % template_names) raise TemplateDoesNotExist(msg)
[docs] def render(self, file_type="pdf", context=None, forceOoCall=False): """ Instance render function. :arg file_type: output file extension :arg context: context (default: self.context) :return: generated file stream if created, else None """ result = None output = None with NamedTemporaryFile('w', suffix='.%s' % file_type, delete=False) as f: output = renderer = Renderer( self.template, context or self.context, output, ooPort=OOO_PORT, overwriteExisting=True, pythonWithUnoPath=PY_PATH, forceOoCall=forceOoCall, ) result = open(output, 'rb').read() if output and os.path.exists(output): os.unlink(output) return result
[docs] def save_as(self, output_path=None, file_type=None, context=None, forceOoCall=False): """ Save the template into file :arg output_path: the output path :return: the open handler of the generated file .. code-block:: python templ = AppyPodTemplate('admin/fax/cover.odt', context) templ.save_as('/tmp/fax.pdf') """ assert file_type or output_path, "At least one of output_path or file_type must be provided" file_type = file_type or os.path.splitext(output_path)[1].lstrip('.') if not output_path: output_path = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.%s' % file_type, prefix='ooo_').name f = open(output_path, 'wb') content = self.render(file_type=file_type, context=context, forceOoCall=forceOoCall) f.write(content) f.flush() return f
[docs]def convert(name_pattern, result_type='pdf', tree=None): """Call LibreOffice in server mode to convert or update the result. :arg name_pattern: the file name to be converted. A list, a set, a tuple of filenames or a glob pattern is accepted. If `tree` is defined `name_pattern` is interpreted as a pattern. :arg file_type: the resul_type desired (default: pdf) :arg tree: if tree is defined the whole directory is traversed for pattern and name_pattern is interpreted as a pattern """ if tree: file_names = recursive_glob(tree, name_pattern) elif not isinstance(name_pattern, (list, tuple, set)): if os.path.exists(name_pattern): file_names = [name_pattern] else: file_names = glob.glob(name_pattern) else: file_names = name_pattern output_files = [] for file_name in file_names: name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) if not PY_PATH: try: Converter(file_name, result_type, OOO_PORT).run() except ConverterError as ce: raise PodError(CONVERT_ERROR % str(ce)) else: if not os.path.isfile(PY_PATH): raise PodError(PY_PATH_NOT_FILE % PY_PATH) if file_name.find(' ') != -1: qResultName = '"%s"' % file_name else: qResultName = file_name convScript = '%s/' % os.path.dirname(appy.pod.__file__) if convScript.find(' ') != -1: convScript = '"%s"' % convScript cmd = '%s %s %s %s -p%d' % \ (PY_PATH, convScript, qResultName, result_type, OOO_PORT) loOutput = executeCommand(cmd.split()) output_files += ["%s.%s" % (name, result_type)] return output_files
def recursive_glob(treeroot, pattern): results = [] for base, dirs, files in os.walk(treeroot): goodfiles = fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) results.extend(os.path.join(base, f) for f in goodfiles) return results